The Art and Intelligence of Swearing

About this Podcast:

The last two times I have presented on sex therapy and faith transitions at the Mormon Mental Health Association, I have received a similar critique that goes something along the lines of: “I wish you wouldn’t swear during your presentations. It’s unprofessional.” Since, these evaluations are confidential/private, I thought I would turn my response into a podcast so we could have a wider discussion about the taboos of swearing, some of the reasons they exist, and why my swearing is actually an intentional part of how I present.

Here to help me have this discussion is Aimee Heffernan, a dear friend and colleague who has much in common with me in regards to our professional background.

About the Guest:

Aimee Heffernan, LMFT, CST is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, a Certified Sex Therapist, a board member of the Mormon Mental Health Association, comes from the same high-demand religious background I do, and specializes in religious sexual shame.

Podcast Notes/Resources:

The Wardless Podcast: What the Cuss: A Post-Mo Guide to Swears

The Atlantic article: The Case for Mindful Cursing

The Atlantic article: An Ode to Swearing


Intro ("Fisher's Hornpipe") and outro music by Otter Creek.

Podcast edited by: Ashley Pacini

Natasha Helfer | LCMFT, CST, CSTS

Natasha is the owner and founder of Symmetry Solutions. She is a Licensed Clinical Marriage & Family Therapist in the states of Kansas and Wisconsin and a Certified Sex Therapist. Natasha has been in practice for over 20 years and works with adults and adolescents. She specializes in mental health therapy, sex therapy and sexuality concerns, family and couples services, and faith transitions within spiritual journeys.

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